6D System for the µRobotex Platform

The μRobotex platform is a facility dedicated to characterization and microassembly of micro/nanosystems with dimensions below 10μm [1]. It is located at the École nationale supérieure de mécanique et des microtechniques (ENSMM) in Besançon and is managed by the AS2M department of the FEMTO-ST Institute.
The μRobotex team asked SmarAct to build a 6D system with position feedback for tool handling in a scanning electron microscope. The positioning system consists of two 3D subsystems mounted onto each other. The first consists of two SLC Series and one SLL Series stage, the later of two goniometers and a rotation stage in order to be able to manipulate nano-tools in six degrees of freedom.
The µRobotex team commands the positioning system via their own real-time control system.

[1] http://projects.femto-st.fr/microrobotex/en



SLC-17 stages are only 17 mm in width and 8.5 mm in height.


SLC-24 stages are only 24 mm in width and 10.5 mm in height.

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SmarAct Motion

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