Cryogenic Positioning Systems

Many applications in science and industry require more than two degrees of freedom for positioning samples or components. Even at very low temperatures and in confined spaces, the payload must be moved with the highest precision.
SmarActs' cryogenic positioning systems are modular, precise, customizable and thermally managed to keep your samples as cold as possible during positioning or scanning tasks.
The central component of any XYZ positioning system is a linear stage. In this example, an SLC-1720-CR. Three stages can be easily combined with holders and adapter plates to form compact multi-axis setups, which are usually connected to the cold finger of a cryostat in the customer setup.
When designing high-resolution positioning systems that need to operate accurately at cryogenic temperatures, it is important to ensure that the heat load from the stages is transferred to the cryostat as quickly as possible to reduce temperature creep of the positioning system due to thermal expansion of the stages and mounting components.
The most important task is to transfer the heat from the payload to the mounting base plate to ensure a constant and low temperature at the point of action.
Depending on the application, there are different designs of thermalization equipment to ensure optimal heat transfer to the cryostat. Three different setups are shown below as examples. Other setups and designs are also possible and can be realized on request.
Please feel free to discuss your application requirements and customization requests with us at any time. We are looking forward to a message from you to
Application Examples
XYZ Positioning System with Cold Plate
In this application example, a cold plate with a brazed copper braid is mounted on the XYZ positioning system. The braid is directly connected to the base plate of the system for optimal heat transfer. The cold plate provides eight M2 threads that can be used to mount and thermally connect the payload. The cold plate can be fully customized and can also be equipped with additional copper strands as additional thermal connections to the base plate of the system.
XYZ Positioning System for Flag Style Sample Holders
In most experimental setups, such as angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) experiments, the sample analysis position is at the location of the cryostat, inside a scanning probe microscope, or on a cryo stage in the analysis chamber. Generally, these sample positions are for analysis and are not used for ex situ sample preparation. Therefore, the samples must be transferable to different preparation and analysis positions in the UHV system. Transferable sample holders that can also be loaded into the system via loading gates are a prerequisite for such applications.
In this example, we have equipped the cold stage with a sample holder that accepts 1/2-inch flag-shaped sample holders. These are widely used in UHV analysis systems from various manufacturers.
XYZ Positioning System as a Cryogenic Substage
In this example, the XYZ cryogenic positioning system is equipped with a cryo harness that allows additional positioning stages to be mounted on the XYZ system. It provides an extremely versatile base for more complex systems that include, for example, rotation stages such as an SRT-2006.
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