To succeed in the rapidly changing markets of the future, you need not only high-precision technology that enables progress but also a reliable partner who shares your passion. At SmarAct Motion, our experts bring deep understanding and palpable enthusiasm for your projects, supporting you on your path to success in the long term. Whether you need copy-exactly OEM components for your wafer handling or highly customized positioning systems for sample alignment in X-ray crystallography beamlines or AFMs, we are here for you. With solutions and expertise in areas such as semiconductors, photonics, life sciences, materials science, and large-scale research facilities, we are ready to bring your next project to life.

Life Science & Light Microscopy

Reliability, Accuracy and Precision for Applications in the field of Life Sciences and Light Microscopy

High Energy Research Facilities

Highest Precision and Robust Equipment for Synchrotron Beamlines and Multi-User Endstations.

Materials Science & Microscopy

Robust, reliable and highly precise equipment for high-resolution 3D printing, electron or scanning probe microscopy, nanointendation, spectroscopy, diffractometry and quantum computing applications.

Semicon & Photonics

Robust and reliable equipment with unmatched performance.